Kennewick created a major barrier to the teaching of lies within the classroom as it refers to Critical Race Theory, which is, in effect, communism and as anti-Biblical as it gets because it espouses judging people based on appearance which is in direct contradiction to Matthew 7:1-6/John 7:24. It is the first part of problem-reaction-solution procedures used by modern communists destroy civilizations. By continually promoting a practice (slavery) that ended almost 160 years ago, CRT serves only to enslave non-Caucasians in the chains of victim-hood and welfare, in turn enslaving them in a culture of drugs, violence, and sexual sin. Jim Crow ended almost 60 years ago, and, if there are incidents of anyone under the age of 50 being denied entry into anything, especially public education, on the basis of race, they are few and far between. This brings about the primary reason for CRT, to create racism in every Caucasian; racism that is so deep whitey doesn’t even realize he’s a racist. Terms like “microagression” and “inherent bias” creep in to the vernacular, creating racists where there weren’t racists. Institutional racism exists today however by stereotyping non-Caucasians as less intelligent than whites. The do-gooders (probably still wearing masks and flying a Ukraine flag out front of their house) will never come right out and say it, but when they consistently push “programs” to “help” they are saying quite clearly: you aren’t capable of helping yourselves. Then, when you add CRT into it, they can add: “and its whitey’s fault.”

With all that said, its great that the KSD is ending the official practice. Pasco, Kennewick, North Franklin, and BC need to follow suit. The Tri-City Herald Editorial Board questions whether it is even being taught. Of course, the CRT proponents would be complete fools to have a class with that name. Its not like there’s a third hour class in Room 106 at Kennewick High called “Critical Race Theory.” That’s about as deep as TCH goes for evidence. Even if it isn’t being taught by teachers, it is being taught TO teachers. AVID is taught in Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland. It is supposed to be about career and college readiness (which is not the schools job by the way). AVID is steeped in CRT doctrines and teachers are trained against microagressions and pushed towards “equity” (which is a code word for: get even for slavery and Jim Crow). Teachers are cautioned about over-punishing non-Caucasians. Ever noticed how the schools fall all over themselves talking about “diversity?” That’s critical race theory in practice! These are just a few examples. CRT is alive and well. Until it is rooted out of the administration, it will continue to thrive in the classroom. Kennewick has take a step in the right direction, but until they stop rubber stamping what their bureaucracy tells them and bowing to federal money, CRT will continue there.

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