A rally is planned for November 19th at 3pm at the Kennewick planned parenthood. Parking is available at the vacant restaurant only.

November 19th, 2:00 – 5:00 pm
7426 W Bonnie Pl Kennewick, WA

We will be gathering together at the place where babies are slated for death in Kennewick to turn parents away from killing their children and to preach the Gospel to the lost. Pastors and preachers will also speak to encourage and equip us for the fight.

Wear warm clothes and bring a sign if you can!

“A certain priest came down that road. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. Likewise a Levite…came and looked and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion…So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among thieves?” Luke 10:31-36

“What you did not do for the least of these, you did not do for Me.” Matthew 25:40

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