Write candidates are generally a bad idea. In nearly every election, they simply siphon off the votes from the candidate similar to the write-in candidate. This is a completely different story. In a primary field that had at least 3 solid conservative candidates (who easily split the conservative vote), two Democrats won the primary. Anderson is a Democrat even though she calls her self non partisan. A joke than many obviously fell for. Hobbs is an Inslee appointee. Enough said on him. It is very possible, that the Communists will split their vote between Hobbs and Anderson in the general election, and all the Constitution loving Conservatives will write in Klippert. The only thing working against him is the fact that many people don’t know he’s running (and of course voter fraud). Spread the word, this could work. I would also suggest praying alot because the person currently in charge of elections is an Inslee appointee.


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